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Benefits of Babywearing

What is baby wearing? Baby wearing literally means wearing or carrying your baby around on your body. It is much safer than carrying your baby in your arms, and has countless benefits over other alternatives of baby transportation. As one of the oldest ways of transporting your baby, it is the most natural, and beneficial to your child’s development. Apart from providing the baby with an enhanced sense of security, it speeds cognitive development, and social development. It also frees your hands, and rids yourself of clunky strollers, enabling you to get your work done while being with your little one. A few more of the many benefits of wearing your baby are: 


A recent study showed that carrying your baby at least three hours a day reduces crying and fussing 43% during the day, and 51% at night. Babies are happier, they have less need to cry, and parents enjoy their babies more as a result. (Source: Hunzike)


In addition to better sleep, and faster development, your child is literally cuddling against your warm body all day long. More constant feeding, touching, eye contact and cuddling releases greater levels of the “Love Hormone” Oxytocin. Elevated levels of Oxytocin mean you literally fall in love with your baby to a greater degree than you otherwise would. The more you wear the more you love. (Sources: Lonstein & Anisfeld)


The constant stimulation of being worn on the body, also leads to faster cognitive development for your baby. They interact with countless objects throughout the day, hearing what you hear and seeing what you see. This gives carried babies’ enhanced visual and auditory alertness while simultaneously improving speech development. Give your child the gift of knowledge! (Source: Alison)


As an additional bonus of using our baby wraps, you have both hands free to work, tackle household chores, or run errands. The constant Cuddling often lulls a fussy baby to sleep almost instantly, allowing busy moms to get more done!


  1. Lonstein, Joseph S., Regulation of anxiety during the postpartum period, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, Volume 28, Issues 2-3, August-September 2007
  2. Urs A. Hunziker, MD, and Ronald G. Barr, MDCM, FRCP(C), Increased Carrying Reduces Infant Crying: A Randomized Controlled Trial, From the Department of Pediatrics, The McGill University-Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, http://www.portareipiccoli.it/trial_hunziker.htm, retrieved 22 September 2010.
  3. Anisfeld, E., Casper, V., Nozyce, M., & Cunningham, N. (Oct., 1990). Does Infant Carrying Promote Attachment? An Experimental Study of the Effects of Increased Physical Contact on the Development of Attachment. Child Development, Vol. 61, No. 5, 1617-1627.
  4. Alison B. Wismer Fries, Toni E. Ziegler, Joseph R. Kurian, Steve Jacoris, Seth D. Pollak, Early experience in humans is associated with changes in neuropeptides critical for regulating social behavior, PNAS, November 22, 2005 vol. 102 no. 47 17237-17240

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